
What Should I Look For On My SEO Report?

What Should I Look For On My SEO Report?

To know how effective your SEO campaign is, you will want to put tracking on the site that will show you the progress your site is making. But what are the metrics you need to track and how do you know if it is working? Here are the things we share with our Jiu-jitsu instructors when they ask us what they need to look at on their SEO report

What Keywords Is Your Site Showing Up For? 

On our monthly reports, we pull data from your Google Search Console. It shows you the keywords that your site is getting clicks and impressions for. Impressions just means that your site is showing up in the search results for the keyword, but doesn’t mean someone came to your site. Clicks means that someone clicked on that keyword from the search results page. 

When you are looking at your monthly report, you want to make sure that your site is being shown for relevant keywords to your school. A good indication that your SEO is going in the right direction is that the site is that your site is showing up for new keywords every month and the ones you were already showing up for are growing in impressions and clicks. 

Which Pages Are Getting The Most Traffic?

Another things you will see on the reports we send are the pages on your site that are getting the most clicks. This is important because it tells you which pages on the site need more attention. One of the fastest ways to get more traffic to your site is to tweak pages that are already getting clicks. A few updates to those pages and additional backlinks could help them jump above your competitors faster than getting a page that doesn’t show up at all to rank. 

When we see that a page on the site is really trending up, we go to that page and evaluate what can be done to help it convert better. This could mean adding more call to action buttons, adding new content blocks, and inserting additional images or videos. 

How Many Calls and Form Submissions Are You Getting? 

We add call tracking and form tracking to all of our clients’ sites so they can be aware when someone calls from the site. The popup form we add to a website is called sleeknotes and it will show you which page someone was on when they filled out the form. That is also valuable information because it shows you which pages on the site are converting best. 

Also, our dashboards track the number of calls you receive from Google My Business. We cut on call recording on the listing so if you wanted to see which numbers contacted you, you’d be able to access those records. 

As you do more on-page and off-page SEO, the number of calls and form submissions you receive should grow. It can take 6-8 months before you notice much of a difference, but eventually, you should be getting more leads. 

We’ll Go Over Your Dashboard and Answer Questions

It’s important to us that our clients understand their SEO reports and dashboards so they can see their progress. It’s really easy to “feel” like there aren’t that many calls or submissions. However, it is better to look at real numbers and determine from the date whether or not your campaign has been successful. Also, you may find that there are things you can tighten up with your sales process to close more leads and make your marketing efforts successful. 

Get In Touch With Us For SEO Services

If you are a jiu-jitsu instructor and want to take your school to the next level, get in touch with us today. The team here at Jiu-jitsu Advertising would be happy to look at your website and give you feedback on things that we can help you with. Contact us now and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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